Wellcome to Stable Coin Exchange

About Stable Coin Exchange

The smartest way to collect, convert and transfer money globally

At Stable Coin Exchange, our mission is to create the world’s best exchange platform for individuals and international businesses. OVRTX Exchange is a p2p crypto exchange marketplace where people can exchange BNB / BUSD / USDT directly with each other.


Our Vision

To be leading provider of payment solutions globally.

At Changalab, our mission is to create the world’s best exchange platform for individuals and international businesses.

Changalab was born back in 2000 by innovators in a London basement armed with ten years of banking experience, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a desire to provide customers a real alternative to the big banks. Since then, we’ve grown exponentially and with a global team around 600 strong, have become a market-leading, multi-award winning, bank-beating, rapidly-growing, fun-loving international payments company.


For ensuring fast & secure online transactions and providing value-added services across the global horizon has been our centralized vision. We are ready with every intention, tool, skill, and technique to accomplish such pre-defined objectives, while we are also fully devoted to prove the best customer experience and have implemented various efforts to safeguard them earnestly.

Likewise, Our R&D department has been working constantly to initiate newer measures for safer and more secure monetary transactions across the globe. We have cherished a variety of objectives since the beginning.



Our Mission

Our values reflect who we are and what we stand for as a company.

Stable Coin Exchange our local and global expertise to be a leading service provider of payment solutions for our customers globally by delivering high quality, innovative and world-class products and services; while maintaining the highest standards of governance and ethics.

Customer Commitment : We develop relationships that make a positive difference in our customers' lives.

Quality: We provide outstanding products and unsurpassed service that, together, deliver premium value to our customers.

Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions.

Teamwork: We work together, across boundaries, to meet the needs of our customers and to help the company win.

Respect for People : We value our people, encourage their development, and reward their performance.

Good Citizenship : We are good citizens in the communities in which we live and work.

A Will to Win: We exhibit a strong will to win in the marketplace and in every aspect of our business.

Personal Accountability: We are personally accountable for delivering on our commitments.

Stable Coin Exchange operates with best-in-class economics We focus on managing our business as efficiently as possible to continually improve the quality of our service and invest in growth.  Stable Coin Exchange built on service and sustained by innovation. We're a global services company that provides customers with access to products, insights, and experiences that enrich lives and build business success.


Our client's say about us

We always care for our clients and love to getting good feedbacks from you. Take a look at what some of our clients think of us.

Nadine Reeves
Chief Executive Officer
OVRTX Exchange is the largest financial market in the world, it is a relatively unfamiliar terrain for retail traders.
Faisal Kabir
Group General Counsel and Compliance Officer
I joined here in 2017, this is legal, compliance, risk, financial crime, internal audit and company secretariat teams.
This is a trustable site, I have joined here recently but their working process is so user-friendly and riable.